Today, I spent the day with my family at a water and adventure park featuring the longest water slide in the world. The sign at the entrance said it all, it was time to be a kid. So I did.

I careened down a very steep hill on a plastic tube. Got flung into the air by a slingshot. Felt my heart in my throat for 20mins while navigating a high ropes course. Was swept away on multiple water slides (including the longest one of course!) And let myself be dropped down a tube and launched 5m into the air before landing in a deep dive pool.

Believe it or not, I haven’t ever experienced any one of these activities in my life before today. Why is that ‘being’ a kid allowed my to not think twice about getting out of my comfort zone?

I believe it’s because we are born free to be the person we want to be and then we are conditioned to be the person our family, culture, society wants us to be.

For so many years I lived that way. I lived a life fulfilling others expectations. Never really stopping to ask what it was that I wanted. Until that fateful day my SPARK was ignited and I begun my self-development journey.

It started at one transformational 2-day workshop, then a residential course, a live 7-day event, coaching, clearing, walking on fire, multiple courses, books, communities, tribes and on and on it goes. Much like walking through the turnstiles of the theme park and experiencing all of the rides!

Now that I’m on the path of learning about myself, I have been better able to remember that child like awe and wonder that enables me to be more courageous and take risks. Like leaving my corporate role and exploring my passions so I can live my life the way I want not the way it was expected.

And I didn’t do this when I was young but when some may consider I was too old, but like I was reminded again today… you’re never too old to be a kid!

If you were being a kid what would you be doing right now? What’s holding you back from living the life you want?

I have had (and still do have) so many people helping me on my journey of self-development, I’d love to help you on yours. Let me know if you’d like to chat!