Have you ever felt unhappy but weren’t quite sure why? Or have you felt something just wasn’t quite right in your life? Or have you ever asked yourself the question ‘How did I end up here?’

In my interactions with so many different people from very different backgrounds and life experiences, one thing seems to be common. People of all ages and stages go through a “time” when things just aren’t right and they are not willing to put up with it any longer nor just keep plowing ahead. They want something more, a new destination, another level of living, a better experience of life.

Sometimes these moments they are brought on by a birthday (like turning 40 ;-), sometimes by a significant event (like children starting/finishing school), sometimes by tragedy (like the death of a loved one), sometimes just waking up one day and deciding enough is enough.

Brendon Burchard refers to these moments as “turning points” and during his Expert Academy event that I attended last year he encouraged us to write down as many of these moments that we could remember and the lessons we learned.

I have found going through this process extremely beneficial, even though I haven’t finished yet! I seem to have had quite a few in my life to date!?!

What have been the turning points in your life? Please take a few moments to reflect and give yourself the gift of jotting down at least 2-3 that have had a significant impact on your life.

What I have realized is that each of these turning points have had something in common for me.

Firstly, there was a moment where I realized that what I was doing or where I was at or who I was with was not “working” for me anymore.

Secondly, there was a period of time leading up to that moment where I felt restless or unhappy and disconnected from my life.

Lastly, at each actual turning point, I made a decision to change – which altered my future.

Tony Robbins says,

It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.

And I have found this to be true for each turning point of my life.

For me, the decisions in the end were almost always easy once I accepted the need to change. Particularly because each decision was as a result of listening to my spirit and not my head. That true part of myself, that when I am quiet enough to hear, guides me unfailingly.

Sometimes the decision meant asking for help. If you’re anything like me, asking for help isn’t always easy, but then asking for directions usually gets you to your destination, right? And I have always found that having a coach to turn to definitely makes the decision to ask for help easier!

Are you experiencing a turning point right now? Are you ready to make a change? Do you need some help taking your life to the next level?

Click here to organise a chat as I’d love to connect with you!

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