I’ve been wearing glasses now for more than half my life.  Whilst I’m not blind (thankfully!) I certainly cannot see with clarity without them.  The world is out of focus, fuzzy and generally undefined.

For the past 2.5 years whilst we have been living in Singapore I have been taking the time to live more without my glasses.  My husband thinks I’m crazy – he also wears glasses and can’t understand why I would want to go anywhere without being “able to see properly”.

But it’s been an interesting experiment, I’ve been forced to really acknowledge that without my glasses I really can’t function properly.  I tend to stumble around, knock things over, run into things, miss acknowledging people (unless they’re right in front of me) and generally act fairly dazed and directionless.  Contrast this to when I’m wearing my glasses and I can focus, get to where I’m going, make less mistakes, connect with people and generally be much more purposeful.  So I recently made the decision to get laser eye surgery, since I don’t want to continue with the glasses on / glasses off life, I want to have clear vision 100% of the time.

It struck me when I made that decision that my glasses were a perfect metaphor for the amount of clarity I have had during my life.  There have been moments, days, weeks, months, even years where I have just existed thinking I could see where I was going, thinking I had focus but really just stumbling around, bumping into things and missing really being with the people around me.

Compared to that, there have been moments, days, weeks, months and years where I have had perfect clarity about my goals, where I’m going, what I needed to do and really connecting with, supporting, serving and being helped by the people I was connecting with.  Those times when I did have clarity in my life I performed at a higher level and was much more successful.  An example of this was when I climbed Mt Kilimanjaro, having never ever camped before let alone stepped foot in the wilderness and hiked for 7 days!?!  [You can read about my journey here.]

So it was no surprise to me when I learned that one of the 5 drivers of High Performance was Clarity*.  The ability to be clear about what you want to achieve, where you want to go in life, who you want to be surrounded by and who you want to serve and support, really does lead to success and an ongoing feeling of full engagement, joy and confidence.

* High Performance is the result of heightened and sustained levels of: clarity, energy, courage, productivity and influence.  www.highperformanceinstitute.com

Do you feel you are clear about who you are, your purpose, and the direction you want to go in life? Are you clear about what makes you happy in life?

Obtaining clarity will transform your life – it certainly did for me!

Take the High Performance Quiz to find out more.