


The REAL Secret to Unlocking Your Potential

The REAL Secret to Unlocking Your Potential

After over 25 years in Corporate and thousands of hours coaching both paid and unpaid I am still fascinated by the human potential. The uniqueness of each individual and the possibility that exists within each of us just gets me so excited! It's...

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What do Head Lice and TRAVEL have in common?

What do Head Lice and TRAVEL have in common?

Ever had to deal with head lice? It is absolutely not my favorite thing to do and I am extremely blessed and lucky to have a husband who is patient enough to douse our kids heads in the treatment solution and painstakingly remove the live lice and...

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Rewriting the Story of Your Life

Rewriting the Story of Your Life

Today I went scuba diving, this is me sitting on the beach afterwards. Nothing remarkable about that, other than the last time I went scuba diving was 20 years ago and the experience was less than ideal. I was qualifying to get my scuba diving...

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Intention to Reality… What are you Creating?

Intention to Reality… What are you Creating?

A week ago my family (myself, my husband and two youngest children aged 12 and 9) set out on our “round the world” adventure. This had been a dream of ours for some time and on Monday, 22 April 2019 it began to come true. For years my husband...

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The Fastest WAY to living the life of your dreams!

The Fastest WAY to living the life of your dreams!

Recently, I asked one of my clients, "What do YOU want?" And not surprisingly, their answer was everything that they were being or doing for everyone else. So, when we got through that and I reiterated the question, "What do YOU really want for...

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The REAL Secret to Living Life Fully!

The REAL Secret to Living Life Fully!

Just over a week ago I posted about my 1yr anniversary since leaving the corporate world (after 25 years!) and since I left my "job" I have been focused on how I can live my passion and do what I love every moment of every day - spending more time...

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Who’s helping YOU?

Who’s helping YOU?

It's been 16 weeks since I last posted an article, which has been a kind of experiment. I wanted to see if I could "survive" without social media (like I have done without commercial television for the last 10 years!) It sort of worked, I was still...

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The BEST way out of the Pit

The BEST way out of the Pit

Recently I was once again reminded about the Resilience of the human spirit. We all deal with challenges and opportunities in our lives. Although it seems, at least from the outside, that there may be an imbalance for some. Without delving into too...

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The Killer of Dreams

The Killer of Dreams

I believe that being your true self, your authentic self, can take Courage. And pursuing your dreams, in alignment with that self can be terrifying (well at least that's what I have experienced!) Courage is the willingness to take action in spite...

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So, what really is High Performance anyway???

So, what really is High Performance anyway???

In many different various roles throughout my life, I have been asked multiple times "What really is High Performance?"  And while the words that I've used to explain it may have changed, from my perspective High Performance has always encompassed...

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Where to now?

Where to now?

Have you ever felt unhappy but weren't quite sure why? Or have you felt something just wasn't quite right in your life? Or have you ever asked yourself the question 'How did I end up here?' In my interactions with so many different people from very...

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The Real Secret to Perspective

The Real Secret to Perspective

After a self-imposed moratorium I'm back to the blogosphere with a renewed sense of energy and purpose! I'm not sure how last year ended for you or your new year started, but here's a snapshot of mine and some a-ha moments I had 🙂 When I...

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Are Role Models a thing of the past?

Are Role Models a thing of the past?

Recently, I was reminded of some of the inspiring leaders from humanity's history such as Martin Luther King Jr, John F Kennedy, Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela... to name a few. The way I was reminded was through an exercise at a seminar...

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Why are some Female IT Professionals High Performers?

Why are some Female IT Professionals High Performers?

For over 25 years I was working in the corporate environment, over half of those years was spent in IT. But then, and sadly even now, the numbers of females in IT was low in comparison to the number of males. And just like in any industry there...

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Inspiration at Sea Level

Inspiration at Sea Level

So what’s next?  It’s amazing how many people have asked that question since I got back from summiting Mt Kilimanjaro. But if I was to be honest it’s probably the same question I’ve been asking myself.  How do I inspire myself now? And once again I...

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7 Days of Leadership Lessons from Mt Kilimanjaro (Day 6)

7 Days of Leadership Lessons from Mt Kilimanjaro (Day 6)

At 3.30am there was a 'knock' on our tent that disturbed the ice which had formed around it overnight – it was our wake up call for "summit day". After the strain of the day before, I knew when I woke up without a headache and any other symptoms of...

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7 Days of Leadership Lessons from Mt Kilimanjaro (Day 5)

7 Days of Leadership Lessons from Mt Kilimanjaro (Day 5)

Day 5 started out like any other on the mountain, except what I didn't know was that it would be my summit day. The hike on Day 5 was similar to that of Day 2 in that we were climbing a significant vertical distance.  So I wasn't too worried when...

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7 Days of Leadership Lessons from Mt Kilimanjaro (Day 4)

7 Days of Leadership Lessons from Mt Kilimanjaro (Day 4)

Day 4 on Mt Kilimanjaro was the day I learned to breathe. The day before when we had arrived at Barranco Camp I hadn’t really taken the time to appreciate the challenge that lay before me.  But on the morning of Day 4 looking at the Barranco Wall...

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7 Days of Leadership Lessons from Mt Kilimanjaro (Day 3)

7 Days of Leadership Lessons from Mt Kilimanjaro (Day 3)

Day 3 started with a sense of relief.  Relief that my headache was gone along with all other symptoms of altitude sickness.  It seemed a good night's rest was exactly what the doctor ordered. One of the reasons for doing the mountain leadership...

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Featured Publications


June 9, 2021 Disrupt Magazine
Stephanie attributes her transition from employee to entrepreneur as a result of when she felt the ‘Universal Slap’ that woke her up and ignited her spark.  In this article, Stephanie reveals her 5 steps to “Ignite Your SPARK”.
See publication

May 29, 2021 Yahoo Global
Stephanie shares why her mission is to enable women to succeed in their own unique way to fully engage at work and home and remain happy and confident without the risk of burnout.
See publication

Jun 11, 2018 The Asian Entrepreneur
Stephanie Barros is playing a small part in helping others reach their full potential.
See publication

2014 Investing in non-IT Skills
CIO Magazine

2013 Cultivating Collaboration – Head to Head Feature
CIO Magazine


May 30, 2020 Ignite Female Change Makers
Watch launch


Don’t Wait Any Longer.
Ignite Your SPARK Today!