


Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker

Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker

Sleep is often the first thing we sacrifice in our pursuit of success, but Matthew Walker, a neuroscientist and sleep expert, makes an unshakable case for why that’s a critical mistake. In Why We Sleep (2017, Scribner), Walker unveils the science...

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Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza

Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza

What if you could harness the power of your mind to break free from past limitations and create a new, extraordinary reality? Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon by Dr. Joe Dispenza, published in 2017 by Hay House,...

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Learned Optimism by Martin E Seligman

Learned Optimism by Martin E Seligman

Originally published in 1990 by Free Press, Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life by Martin E. Seligman offers a groundbreaking perspective on how individuals can shift their mindset to lead a more fulfilling life. Seligman, a...

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The PERMA Model – A Roadmap to a Fulfilled Life

The PERMA Model – A Roadmap to a Fulfilled Life

We’ve all had those moments—sitting at our desks or in yet another meeting, staring blankly at a screen, wondering, Is this it? Success on paper, yet a gnawing sense of dissatisfaction. The truth is, many high-achieving women feel this way. They...

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Breaking Free from the Barriers to Your Potential

Breaking Free from the Barriers to Your Potential

There’s nothing quite like the nagging feeling that you were meant for more—more joy, more fulfillment, more confidence in your work and life. And yet, something holds you back. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? You’ve checked all the right...

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Ignite Female Change Makers

Ignite Female Change Makers

Ignite Female Change Makers, published by Ignite and printed by JBO Global Inc. in 2020, offers an inspiring blueprint for those seeking more engagement, confidence, and joy in their lives. The contributing authors, including Stephanie Barros,...

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Chasing More Breaking Free from the Never-Enough Trap

Chasing More Breaking Free from the Never-Enough Trap

Picture this: you’ve finally landed that high-profile role you once dreamed about. The title, the paycheck, the corner office—check, check, check. And yet, there’s this persistent whisper in the back of your mind: “Is this it?” If you’ve ever felt...

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Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

First published in 1990 by Harper & Row, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience is a groundbreaking book by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, one of the most influential psychologists in the field of positive psychology. This book explores the...

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Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel GolemanDaniel Goleman’s groundbreaking book, Emotional Intelligence, published in 1995 by Bantam Books, transformed the way we understand success, both personally and professionally. The book dives into the...

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The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker

The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker

Published in 1997 by Dell Publishing, The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker is an extraordinary exploration of human intuition and its power to keep us safe. De Becker, a renowned expert in violence prevention, reveals how our innate instincts often...

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Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

Introduction to Lean InPublished in 2013 by Alfred A. Knopf, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead is more than a book—it's a call to action. Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Meta (formerly Facebook), delivers an empowering narrative that explores the...

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Featured Publications


June 9, 2021 Disrupt Magazine
Stephanie attributes her transition from employee to entrepreneur as a result of when she felt the ‘Universal Slap’ that woke her up and ignited her spark.  In this article, Stephanie reveals her 5 steps to “Ignite Your SPARK”.
See publication

May 29, 2021 Yahoo Global
Stephanie shares why her mission is to enable women to succeed in their own unique way to fully engage at work and home and remain happy and confident without the risk of burnout.
See publication

Jun 11, 2018 The Asian Entrepreneur
Stephanie Barros is playing a small part in helping others reach their full potential.
See publication

2014 Investing in non-IT Skills
CIO Magazine

2013 Cultivating Collaboration – Head to Head Feature
CIO Magazine


May 30, 2020 Ignite Female Change Makers
Watch launch


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