The BEST way out of the Pit

The BEST way out of the Pit

Recently I was once again reminded about the Resilience of the human spirit. We all deal with challenges and opportunities in our lives. Although it seems, at least from the outside, that there may be an imbalance for some. Without delving into too many details, the...
The Killer of Dreams

The Killer of Dreams

I believe that being your true self, your authentic self, can take Courage. And pursuing your dreams, in alignment with that self can be terrifying (well at least that’s what I have experienced!) Courage is the willingness to take action in spite of fear. Acting...
Where to now?

Where to now?

Have you ever felt unhappy but weren’t quite sure why? Or have you felt something just wasn’t quite right in your life? Or have you ever asked yourself the question ‘How did I end up here?’ In my interactions with so many different people from...
The Real Secret to Perspective

The Real Secret to Perspective

After a self-imposed moratorium I’m back to the blogosphere with a renewed sense of energy and purpose! I’m not sure how last year ended for you or your new year started, but here’s a snapshot of mine and some a-ha moments I had 🙂 When I reflected on...