Rewriting the Story of Your Life

Rewriting the Story of Your Life

Today I went scuba diving, this is me sitting on the beach afterwards. Nothing remarkable about that, other than the last time I went scuba diving was 20 years ago and the experience was less than ideal. I was qualifying to get my scuba diving license. We were at 10m...
The REAL Secret to Living Life Fully!

The REAL Secret to Living Life Fully!

Just over a week ago I posted about my 1yr anniversary since leaving the corporate world (after 25 years!) and since I left my “job” I have been focused on how I can live my passion and do what I love every moment of every day – spending more time...
Who’s helping YOU?

Who’s helping YOU?

It’s been 16 weeks since I last posted an article, which has been a kind of experiment. I wanted to see if I could “survive” without social media (like I have done without commercial television for the last 10 years!) It sort of worked, I was still...