by Stephanie Barros | Mar 19, 2020 | High Performance
When I was a little girl, I remember being told… “Don’t get ‘too big for your britches’.” “You can’t have everything.” “Get a job that’s good for girls because eventually you’ll have kids.”...
by Stephanie Barros | Mar 19, 2020 | SPARK
In my last post I mentioned The #1 Key to Your Success in 2020 was Self-Development. And of course I like to role-model so I wanted to let you know that I have spent the whole week participating in an online business growth summit for women entrepreneurs. That’s...
by Stephanie Barros | Mar 19, 2020 | SPARK
We’ve come to the end of January, the New Year celebrations are over (even the lunar calendar ones!) Those New Year resolutions may not seem as obtainable as you previously thought… the doubt is starting to creep in… But that’s not “bad...
by Stephanie Barros | Mar 19, 2020 | High Performance
After over 25 years in Corporate and thousands of hours coaching both paid and unpaid I am still fascinated by the human potential. The uniqueness of each individual and the possibility that exists within each of us just gets me so excited! It’s why I’m so...
by Stephanie Barros | Mar 19, 2020 | High Performance, SPARK
Ever had to deal with head lice? It is absolutely not my favorite thing to do and I am extremely blessed and lucky to have a husband who is patient enough to douse our kids heads in the treatment solution and painstakingly remove the live lice and nit eggs (UGH!) This...
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