Let’s Talk About Obstacles

Let’s Talk About Obstacles

I think it’s certainly safe to say that this year has presented its fair share of obstacles for just about everybody I know (and even those I don’t!)What I’ve often had to remind myself of, is something that many of my coaches/mentors have said to me...
Can you juggle?

Can you juggle?

A number of years ago, Bryan Dyson, then the President and CEO of Coca-Cola Enterprises, delivered a commencement speech at Georgia Tech. In it, he discussed the difference between glass and rubber balls. His insight is as valuable today as it was then. ...
10 Tips on How to Overcome Overwhelm

10 Tips on How to Overcome Overwhelm

As the reality of the impact of COVID sets in, and global turmoil is seemingly increasing, it’s not surprising that many of us feel overwhelmed. But what actually is overwhelm?  It’s that sense, in just that moment, that you can’t handle it all.  And there is a lot...
10 Tips on How to Care for Yourself

10 Tips on How to Care for Yourself

There’s so much ongoing noise in the media about the state of the world and what we “should” be doing with our time in isolation.  But as we head into the sixth week for a lot of us, the situation is becoming a very gritty personal reality. Amidst...