Are your tanks full?

No, I’m not referring to the petrol tank of your car.  Nor am I referring to the gas tank at your house.

I’m thinking about your ENERGY tanks.

We all need a certain level of energy to get through our day, our week, our month, heck our year, right?

And we’re probably all generally aware of the physical energy we need.

We need enough sleep/rest, enough nutrition, enough exercise to keep us vibrant and able to tackle whatever our day throws at us from a physical perspective.

But did you know that we have other energy tanks?

We have our mental energy tank and we have our emotional/spiritual energy tank.

That’s right, we have 3 energy tanks that we need to be aware of and ensure are kept topped up!

And each of us have different ways we can do that.  Because as one of my mentors, Brendon Burchard says, 

“The power plant does not have energy, it generates it.”

In other words, we generate our own energy – physical, mental, emotional/spiritual – ourselves.

So what are you doing to generate your own energy and keep your energy tanks full?

I have a few “go-to” strategies that I use to ensure I keep my energy tanks topped up.

To keep my mental energy tank full, I need to spend time outside in nature, I especially love walking on the beach, where I can look up and see the vastness of the sky.  

There’s something about not having a “ceiling” above me that unlocks my creativity and ability to generate new ideas.  It also helps to clear my mind so I can view things from a bigger perspective.

When it comes to my emotional/spiritual tank, that’s when I take time out for self-care.  I read, I go have a facial or a massage or I take the time to meditate (in my own way!)  

Keeping my emotional/spiritual tank full enables me to demonstrate the courage, love and passion I want to live my life fully.

Now you may think the physical tank is the “easiest” but for me it’s true that sometimes ‘common sense is not always common practice’.  I definitely rely on my routines for exercise, nutrition and sleep; but the best advice I ever got was to ensure I had an ‘all-weather’ routine.

That means, no matter what the weather is doing, or I can’t get out cause of external circumstances (like lockdown!) then I still have a routine that allows me to fill my tanks.  I can exercise indoors using a video to guide me, I can sit in my backyard and look up and I can take the time out to cosy up on the couch and read a book.

No matter where you are or who you are with, you can take control of keeping your energy tanks full!

Want more tips on energy? Comment “ENERGY” below.

And remember, you can unleash your unique version of success!

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