Hi I’m Stephanie, focused on Igniting Your SPARK!
I work with multicultural corporate women in male-dominated industries
To increase engagement, confidence and joy in work and life
Through my Certified 12-session High Performance Coaching program
Online in groups and one-on-one


Ignited Clients
My Story
The purpose of my life is to be a joyous, positive influence, to adore and appreciate my loved ones and enjoy life passionately;
so that I may gracefully inspire others into courageously
Igniting Your SPARK & live life fully!
Hi, I’m Stephanie Barros, Certified High Performance Coach, wife, mother and wearer of many hats.
My 25 years in the corporate environment saw many changes in my role, function and industry but what remained constant was my passion for helping others discover and EXPLODE their potential. Whether it’s a new job or an increased level of confidence, my greatest feeling of joy and satisfaction is seeing others really achieve.
As a Certified High Performance Coach, I am now doing what I love and excel in professionally and that’s helping YOU get the best out of you!
This is where and who I am today, but my journey started much like yours.
I had lost my spark, my spirit, the essence of who I was. I became disengaged from my career, my relationships and my self. Losing connection with my feelings and goals meant I was no longer inspired to be or do more. However, my spark wasn’t gone. It was just laying dormant, asleep inside me. It was time to wake it up! To truly see WHERE I was, WHO I was and WHAT I was capable of!
It was time to stop living a lie and live a LIFE!
This realisation changed me and inspired pursuit of my passion. I researched, went to seminars, spoke to coaches, mentors and gurus, all aiding in the culmination of my becoming a Certified High Performance Coach.
In facilitating the 12-session High Performance coaching program, my role is to help you master the areas of Clarity, Energy, Courage, Productivity and Influence. We will delve into your beliefs, goals, distractions, habits and routines; developing your confidence and ensuring you have the physical energy and mental stamina to perform at your best.
I bring authenticity, relatability and passion to our sessions. Connecting deeply with my clients allows me to help shift your mindset and enable positive action.
TOGETHER we can discover your unique success formula and move yourself, your career, your health and your relationships to your next level of engagement, joy and confidence and equip you with the tools to live a fulfilling and successful life!
I’M ready to start you on your journey.
My Values & Beliefs
LOVE is unconditional acceptance
I appreciate my loved ones rather than have expectations of them
I always accept myself for who I am – past, present and future
I have faith in myself to love unconditionally
I have faith that others can and will love me unconditionally
COURAGE is the faith in myself to be self-assertive as and when appropriate; and the determination to see things through to a point that is right for me
I have faith in myself; I honour my thoughts, feelings, emotions and intuition
I trust myself to know right from wrong and to always act with good intent
I honour commitments to myself and others
PASSION is the willingness to be my authentic self and not hold back; determined to achieve my dreams and play at the same time
I have confidence to demonstrate my ability to think, learn, choose and make appropriate decisions
I have confidence in my right to be happy and demonstrate my happiness
I have confidence that achievement, success, friendship, respect, love and fulfilment is appropriate for me
JOY is choosing consciously each and every day to be positive and optimistic
I take control of my existence and my happiness by being solution-orientated
I distinguish between facts, interpretation and emotion and be response-able
I enjoy my life, have fun and remember to laugh
GRACE is unrestrained goodwill and smiling acceptance
I interact with others with positive IN-10-TION
I accept others as they are with a smile
My words and actions are congruent
My Background
Stephanie is an inspiring and passionate certified High Performance coach, facilitator, speaker and international best-selling author with an insatiable appetite for continuous learning; is approachable, engaging and focused on Igniting Your SPARK to explode your potential and live life fully!
For over 25 years, Stephanie has created sustainable high performance cultures driving results consistently over the long term. She has worked in the corporate world with a variety of individuals, teams and functions. Stephanie is focused on the personal and professional development of individuals and teams with a particular passion for developing talent, culture and leadership potential in IT Professionals and for IT Organisations.
Stephanie is a certified high performance coach, trained facilitator and multi-disciplinary senior leader with experience in Information Technology, Finance as well as Human Resources. She has worked in the Healthcare, Property and Financial Services industries and has a Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and Master of Business (Information Technology Management) from the University of Technology, Sydney.
Stephanie coaches individuals and teams from her extensive experience, she facilitates workshops in high performance, captivating communications, personal and professional leadership development. Stephanie speaks to small and large audiences on a breadth of topics including having delivered a TEDx talk on Making Connections. She is a volunteer mentor for Females in Information Technology & Telecommunications, a co-founder of the Women Leading into the Future movement and in her last corporate role, Stephanie was the Asia Pacific Regional Director of IT for Johnson and Johnson.

Featured Publications
June 9, 2021 Disrupt Magazine
Stephanie attributes her transition from employee to entrepreneur as a result of when she felt the ‘Universal Slap’ that woke her up and ignited her spark. In this article, Stephanie reveals her 5 steps to “Ignite Your SPARK”.
See publication
May 29, 2021 Yahoo Global
Stephanie shares why her mission is to enable women to succeed in their own unique way to fully engage at work and home and remain happy and confident without the risk of burnout.
See publication
Jun 11, 2018 The Asian Entrepreneur
Stephanie Barros is playing a small part in helping others reach their full potential.
See publication
2014 Investing in non-IT Skills
CIO Magazine
2013 Cultivating Collaboration – Head to Head Feature
CIO Magazine